Monday, November 25, 2019


General questions What can I do with dawawas? That's why we created dawawas. It seems like JavaScript is deactived in your browser. That's why we will only notify you when something important happens on dawawas, such as new photos in one of your events or when we want to inform you about new features. Click "Upload a profile picture". Comment your friend's photos. dawawas

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O a or angel or O: Upload pictures for free Login. Hier kannst Du nun einstellen:. Click on "Upload photos" on the left menu bar and pick the photos you want to upload in the popup window. Hier kannst Du das Aufnahmedatum und die Aufnahmezeit sehen.

Go to "Setings" adwawas order to change all personal data, such as first or last name, Email address and username. In order to permanently delete your account all you have to do is to send us an Email using the contact form on dawawas. It seems like JavaScript is deactived in your browser.


Everyone within dawawas with whom you have a shared event can see your events. What file types and sizes are supported?


How can I change the visibility of an event? Photos are always sorted by the date they were taken. How can I daawas friends from other social networks to join dawawas?

Get dawawas - Photo Cloud - Microsoft Store en-NZ

Now pick the "Make event cover picture" option in the bottom part of the photo. The search bar in the upper right corner allows you to search for events and people.

Yes, you can download events you have attended as zip file.


Can I tag multiple locations in one event? With our free apps which are available for nearly every device, you have access to your photos no matter where you are. To unfollow or leave an event you have to navigate to the event's main page and click on your actual status. Like many other start-ups, dawawas ist currently financed by the founders. We hate spam as much as you do! Download the App from the App Store and log-in to dawawax dawawas account dawawxs away.

iOS-App | dawawas

Back in we founded wer-kennt-wen. Please note, that your event is now visible to everybody knowing the link, so consider who you give it. You can, however, attribute a specific title to each photo. Now is your dawawas account waiting for you! On dawawas you can upload your photos for free and share all your pictures with your friends and family.

Go to the event you want to add people to and click on "Invite friends". Can I share photos on other social networks?

Share your photos for free.

Enter the fullscreen mode. Get the photo as Email to your Email address.

Wie kann ich Fotos in ein anderes Erlebnis verschieben? Send photo via Email: It works this way.

The dawawas app for iOS devices

By using this setting, you make your event visible for everyone who shares at least one other event with you. You will now have to choose if you want to invite your friends via facebook, via email, directly on dawawas or if you want to send them a link to the event. In addition there are connections to other social networks.

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