Monday, November 25, 2019


PushokRWMon runs in background and monitor changes of "entries" files adjusting read-only flag as necessary. This attribute can be added as svn property of folder or placed into. Subversion developers make great job fixing all issues which may be not prevent ability to build SCC API provider but makes its code very tricky. NEW Implemented function to detect file deleting. The plug-in package includes all necessary tools for visual merging and visual diff browsing. pushok svn scc

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SVN Subversion plug-in SVN SCC proxy

ADJ 'Check in' commit now is better group files, to make the minimum commit commands. BUG Fixed long delays issues when working in offline mode. ADJ Plug-in now supports all authentication schemes and interactive authentication.

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PushOk Common - SVN SCC API Plugin - SSL error

BUG Fixed plugin "freezing" while working with: BUG Error in diff dialog accessing network repository. ADJ Slightly changed conflict resolution logic to prevent appearing of conflict markers when user declines suggestion to resolve conflict phshok after update.

NEW Extra info scv added in log output while adding files under control. It enables it when file is pusho "checked out" and disables otherwise. However the solution for this problem is to patch SVN client code very simple and safe. Adding and getting codes from the SVN. Below you can find list of changes but they cannot show you how deeply plug-in is changed. For more details check the links: This greatly increases plug-in usability and provides better compatibility with VS IDE always will suggest to checkout file before editing.

pushok svn scc

We believe that work with our plug-in will scx convenient for you. BUG "Undo Checkout" fails if the file has svn: In short, the plug-in enables the following functionalities for your IDE: BUG Spaces in file names sometime cause problems. NEW Improved procedure of conflict resolution.

New option added to plug-in settings. BUG Problem retrieving new files from repository for already opened project.

pushok svn scc

You will be able to perform usual operations such as: It is possible to configure behavior for unspecified folders should they monitored or not and exclude or include specific folders for sn using pushok: NEW Support for Subversion 1.

It's also possible to hold 'Ctrl' button when 'Get View other news in this archive.

PushOk SVN SCC plug-in license cost and pricing

BUG Removed localized date from history dialog. PushokRWMon runs in background and monitor changes of "entries" files adjusting read-only flag as necessary. But if you do not need these functions, the interface will be as simple as possible: For example, you can view the project history, line history for a file, manage tags and branches and so on. Options allows to choose combination between file lock state, file modification and pushkk checked out tag.

Sscc Some typing errors in the English translation was corrected.

pushok svn scc

Now its befaviour shouldn't differ from "svn checkout" command behaviour. NEW Support for all new functions of Subversion 1. NEW Added support for 3-way compare tools for conflict resolutions.

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